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FCKLL Special Pitch Count Rules

The eligibility of a player to pitch in a Little League Baseball game is governed by a tiered pitch count that is tied to the number of pitches throw in a game. This is to ensure player health and safety given the stress of throwing overhand on the arm and shoulder. The pitch count determines how many days of rest are required before a player may pitch again in a Little League game. 

FCKLL employs the use of special pitching rules in some Divisions, which are amended from Little League Baseball. Please reference your child's specific divisional special rules (above) for the comprehensive rules. Below is a simple summary.

Pitch Count Rules At-A-Glance
(based on League Age, not birth age)

Max Pitches





1st Half of Season Pitches/Day


85, if 11+

75, if 9-10

50, if <9

85, if 11+

75, if 10

95, if 13+

85, if 11+

2nd Half of Season Pitches/Day

60, if 9+

50, if <9

85, if 11+

75, if 9-10

50, if <9

85, if 11+

75, if 10


95, if 13+














Days Rest






Pitcher/Catcher Combination Rules

Any player who has played the position of catcher in four (4) or more innings in a game is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.

A player who played the position of catcher for three (3) innings or less, moves to the pitcher position, and delivers 21 pitches or more in the same day, may not return to the catcher position on that calendar day. EXCEPTION: If the pitcher reaches the 20-pitch limit while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch, and maintain their eligibility to return to the catcher position, until any one of the following conditions occur: (1) that batter reaches base; (2) that batter is retired; (3) the third out is made to complete the half-inning or the game; or (4) the pitcher is removed from the mound prior to the batter completing his/her at-bat.

NOTE: If a pitcher reaches 40 pitches while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch, and maintain their eligibility to play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day, until any one of the following conditions occurs:(1) that batter reaches base; (2) that batter is retired; (3) the third out is made to complete the half inning or the game; or (4) the pitcher is removed from the mound prior to the batter completing his/her at-bat. The pitcher would be allowed to play the catcher position provided that pitcher is moved, removed, or the game is completed before delivering a pitch to another batter. If a player delivers 41 or more pitches, and is not covered under the threshold exception, the player may not play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.

Majors Call Up Policy

FCKLL Standard Operating Procedures and Policies

Temporary Call-Ups (Minors, Majors and Intermediate Divisions)

In accordance with Little League Regulation V, FCKLL will maintain a "call-up" pool of players who have been assessed capable of playing at a higher level than their placement (as determined by the Player Agent in coordination with team managers), are age-eligible at the next higher level, and have indicated (in advance, or as requested) their willingness to participate in extra games when teams face a shortage of rostered players for a game, which inhibits their ability to field a full 9 person line-up. For Majors play, temporary call-ups are allowed to fill any temporary absence. Majors Team Managers are expected to field teams of at least 10 players, helping provide opportunities for Minors players to develop at the Majors level.

In the event an Intermediate, Majors, AAA, or AA team has insufficient players for a regular season game, the affected team Manager will advise the Player Agent, at least one (1) day in advance, of the need to utilize a call-up pool player from the next lowest playing level. The Player Agent will identify an eligible guest player from the call-up pool who has no game conflict, and will do their best to ensure that call-up opportunities are fairly distributed among pool players.

Any call-up player will be placed at the end of the batting order, will be subject to all play requirements applicable to a rostered player, and will not pitch in the call-up game. The temporary assignment to a higher level is for one game only. The player will remain rostered with their current team (as drafted) and will not play in any call-up game scheduled at the same time as a game for that team. 

The following players will be excluded from the call-up pool:

  • any player who has a waiver to play down;

  • any player who opted out of the draft for the higher level or declined to join the team that drafted them; and

  • any player who declined permanent in-season promotion to the higher level.

Longer Term Call-Ups (Majors Only)

In accordance with Little League Regulation V, FCKLL will maintain a "call-up" pool of Minors Division Level AAA players who have been assessed capable of playing at the Majors Division (as determined by the Player Agent in coordination with Level Coordinators), are age-eligible at the Majors level, and have indicated (in advance, or as requested) their willingness to participate in extra games when teams face a shortage of rostered players for a game.

In the event a Majors team has insufficient players to field a full Majors team for greater than 3 concurrent FCKLL events (practices and games included) due to the absence of a single player,  the affected Team Manager will advise the Player Agent within three days of the injury or cause of absence, or within two days of parent notification, of the need to utilize a call-up pool player from AAA. In conference with the Majors Team Manager, involved parents/caregivers, and involved AAA team Manager, the Player Agent will identify an eligible guest player from the call-up pool who has no game conflict, and will endeavor to ensure that call-up opportunities are fairly distributed among pool players.

Any sustained/non-permanent call-up player will only attend the Majors events during their call-up period. This player will be subject to all play requirements applicable to a rostered player. The call-up assignment will last until the absent player returns. In the event of injury, the returning player must present their doctor’s clearance. 

The following players will be excluded from the call-up pool:

  • any player who has a waiver to play down;

  • any player who opted out of the draft for the higher level or declined to join the team that drafted them; and

  • any player who declined permanent in-season promotion to the higher level.

In-season Permanent Majors Roster Vacancy & Call-Ups

Majors Division:

In accordance with Little League Regulation III(d), whenever a Majors team loses a rostered player during the season – whether due to an injury/illness from which the player will be unable to return or due to the player withdrawing from the program for any other reason – the Player Agent will be informed. 

If the Player Agent confirms a roster vacancy (i.e., the player is not expected to return during the season), then the affected Team Manager will fill the vacancy by selection of an eligible player from the Minors Division Level AAA. The selected replacement player will report to the Majors team as soon as possible after the vacancy is confirmed and will retain the roster spot for the duration of the player's Majors eligibility.

No Minors team will lose a second player to promotion unless all Minors teams in the applicable division at the same level have lost one player. Any Minors player who declines to fill an in-season Majors roster vacancy will be ineligible to fill a vacancy on any other Majors team for the remainder of the season. (Children of Minors Division managers, however, are excluded from permanent call up to Majors as if they had submitted play-down requests.)

Minors and Tee Divisions:

Tee Ball and Minor League: 

In accordance with Little League Regulation III(d), if a team manager loses any players on the roster during the current season through illness, injury, change of address, or other justifiable reasons (subject to Board approval), another player could be transferred within that Division, through the Player Agent, to replace the one lost, or a player may be obtained, through the Player Agent, from a list of participants who registered after the teams were formed.

NOTE 1: Tee Ball and Minor League players may be reassigned at the discretion of the local league Board of Directors and player agent in order to provide a balanced training program.

FCKLL will rely on a similar approach outlined at the Majors level to address permanent roster vacancies where Minors Division roster gaps are required to be addressed.


Falls Church Kiwanis Little League
P.O. Box 6612 
Falls Church, Virginia 22040

Email: [email protected]

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